How To Remove The “You Are A Fool Virus From Windows 7?”

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What is the "you are a fool" virus"?

If you have windows 7 installed on your computer and every time you log in to your computer, the screen pops up with the message.

You are fool

Press any key to enterRemove The You Are A Fool Virus From Windows

It means that your Windows is infected with the virus. This virus, commonly known as "you are a fool virus," can damage files on your computer and must be removed from your computer.

How to remove the "you are a fool virus" from windows 7?

Keep in mind that you don't need any anti-virus to remove this virus because it needs to be removed manually. The anti-virus may not be effective in removing this virus.

To remove the "you are a fool virus" from Window 7, follow these instructions, and you will get rid of this anti-virus.

  • Step by step guidelines

Before starting, minimize or close the "you are a fool" Window.

  1. To start with, the first thing you have to do is to press and hold window key+ R. This will open the Run app, or you can also go to the start menu and press R and then click on the Run app.
    start menu and press R
  2. After seeing the Run command, click on the box right next to open.
  3. After that, type %appdata% without space and press the Ok button.Appdata
  4. The list of all app data (for roaming) Window will appear before you.
  5. In the upper right corner of this Window, you will find the search option. Here, type ".bat" to search for .bat files. It will show the search result.
  6. Find the system .bat file and click and open it in the search result. After confirmation that the system .bat file is the virus you want to delete, select the file and press "shift+ delete," and then click "yes." The system .Bat file will be deleted.
  7. After deleting the system .bat file, you need to search the batch files in other drives (except drive C), and you will find these batch files in some of them. Delete them as well.
  8. By doing so, the system .bat file in which the virus appears at startup and other batch files will be deleted permanently.
  9. After deleting the files, restart your computer and ensure that Window is free from "you are a fool virus" by searching the ".bat" file.

If there is no system .bat file shown in the app data list, it means that your Window is free from viruses.


Fortunately, this virus is not as threatening to your computer as other viruses are, yet it needs to be removed because it may damage some files on your computer and may slow down the speed of your PC.